
Happy New Year 2008

My family went to our summerhouse in Kanchanaburi on December 29th , 2007. We also brought our dogs, two Great Danes, the mother one-Cuba, and the daughter one-Coffee. We really love it there. The summerhouse is located near the river Kwae. It is the nice place for relaxation. As we go there, we can get the fresh air, the good view, and the spacious space that never have in city. We can feel the country, the nature, and others, which make the summerhouse so special.

We have an auto boat there. We usually drive it to find the place for lunch and spend time looking at the river. The first time that my father let me control the wheel of the auto boat, it was amazing and fun. It was not that tough as my first thought.

Some day we had lunch and dinner at the summerhouse that cooking by ourselves and some day we had lunch somewhere else outside. We walked on the grass to look at the good views, to get the fresh air, and had a simple breakfast in the morning. In the afternoon, we took a nap. We watched the movies after we had a dinner.

I brought the rabbits for myself in this New Year. I have three rabbits. The first and the second one are the same breeds of rabbit, called Mini Lop. I named them as Ernie-the girl, and Brownie-the boy. The breed of the last one called Teddy Bear. I named her as Erna.

My rabbits live in the cages. Ernie and Brownie are in the same cage. Erna is in another cage. When I am in the room, I let them out of the cages to do the exercise, running in the room at least once a day. I give them the rabbit food in the morning and the evening. I put the dry grass into the cage for them to eat all day. They love to eat the fresh natural grass and the dry grass. They love to stand with the two legs begging for foods and grass. I clean the cages once in two days.

As I told you before that I bought the rabbit from Tawanna Market and I gave her name as Maya. Actually, she was still a baby that the seller should not separate her from her mother. It would be risk for her life, she could be dead easily, just a little chance to survive. Many sellers sell the baby rabbits because they look cute when they are young, and it will be gone when they grow up.

Normally, the sellers use this strategy with Thai breed of rabbit. It is brutal. I did not know at first that she was a baby rabbit because the seller lies to me. I never had this kind of rabbit before, so the seller fooled me.

Before Maya, I used to have one rabbit; her breed is same as Ernie and brownie, called Mini Lop. Her name is Jaint. She was so strong, and very cute. I was not with her when she died because I was in Bangkok, and she was in Kanchanaburi, at my summerhouse. She died by falling from the second floor. As my guessed, she did not die after she fell down, but the dogs there ate her.

From the midterm test, my score came out good, especially, Economics examination, I got the highest score in my section, which was 33 points-the full score was 35 points. I knew my mistakes after I finished and turned back the test, which I should not have. For Psychology, I got 22.3 points-the full score was 25 points. The psychology quiz that I did before the midterm examination, I got a full point, which was 5 points. The last one is English for law II, I got 162.3-the full score was 200. I knew that I did English examination not so well. I did not have enough time to write, I just wrote as fast as I could to finish it. Even if it would turn out badly, but at least I finished writing it-that is what I thought. I have to practice myself to do the test faster because every time I did it so slow. My mother and my father never blamed me about the scores that I got because she knew that I had done my best as always. I love you mom & dad.


phanphatchara said...

Happy new year 2008 na ja JELLY! ♥♥
Love you Mak Mak

kelinci said...

Nice story.
Holland Lop