

Sometime I am so lazy, I sleep for a long time more than usual, I get up late, I do nothing meaningful. I have no reason for being lazy. Sometime I just feel weak, tired, and exhausted. I cannot be lazy right now because I am going to have two quizzes, first quiz is English for Law II, and another quiz is Economics. I have to be very prepared for the quizzes.

ALSA organization is going to have the delegates from Japan. Therefore, they want the volunteers to do the services as staffs. These staffs should have an interview at the first step. I had an interview for the selection of staffs at E building on last Thursday. There are so many duties to choose for, such as cooperative, caretaker, and others. I decided to sign for caretaker because it will be the best thing I can do.

The sophomores and the juniors interviewed me. They made me serious with their tough questions. They wanted me to introduce myself, my background, my personality. They asked me to explain what I think about Mr. Taksin Chinnawat, and how I am going to tell the foreigners from Japan about him.

I told them that when Mr.Taksin worked here as the prime minister, he actually brought many investments to Thailand, he contracted the United State for our exporting, and he had done well. Nevertheless, he could have done better if he knew what temperance means.

I understand that people are born with desires, and the desires are endless. Everything has two sides, the government while Mr.Taksin was a prime minister; they also made a mistake, the government failed. The government policy produced inefficient results, such as 30 baht for health care service, and others.

When people get something goods, they still want more and more, they cannot stop themselves. Even though they have everything in their hands, but they still want more and more. Why they do not look to someone else who lower than them, who lose their jobs, who do not have foods to eat, who suffer with the sickness, disease, and do not enough money to treat, who do not have any money to survive.

What I am going to tell the foreigners, I am going to stay in balance, not any side of it, because I want to be fair. They finally told me when we discussed everything for a while that actually they wanted me getting a high pressure.

On Sunday, I went to my uncle’s house; where the dogs are staying, one is belong to my family, and another dog, my dog’s mother, is belong to my uncle. The mother one- named Cuba, she is sick. She is hardly to walk. Sometime she cannot walk, she will groan with her pains. We are all worried and sad about it. I knew her since I was young. She is a very sweet dog as always and now she is going to die. We are all hopefully she will live longer as possible. Even though she is very sick, she still is positive. I know she is fighting with the illness to live longer.

1 comment:

Panlert881 said...

you are cute and smart 555+