
Prevent Our Skins

Although dry skin can affect us at any time of the year, it is usually worse during the colder months when humidity is low. As starting of the winter season, it was cold this week. As you know, Thailand would be cold just for a moment, short period of time, not cold as a whole time as the season. My skin is dry as many people. I found the information to take care of my skin in many easy ways.

First way to take care of my skin is not to take a shower with too hot water. Taking a shower in winter season should turn down the heat into lower level, not too hot because our skins would be drier in winter season more than other seasons. Second way is do not using soap too much. Because soap would make our skins become drier, we should use soap just in some important area such as arms, armpits, and others. Soap strips away our skin's natural oils, making it more likely to get itchy and flaky. The perfect soap to use during the winter should be soap that has pH around five because it would not make our skins too dry, should be a beauty bar or gentle cleanser. Third way is do not taking a bath so long. I should spend time not over 10 minutes for it. Forth way is using lotion every time after taking a bath for not getting itchy and flaky.

After I talked to my father last weekend, I realized that I should drink milk even though I really do not like. I used to drink milk when I was very young just like the other kids. I stopped drinking milk when I was around eight years old. Then I began to drink Coke as normal as water. I knew Coke is not good for my health, many times that I had been trying so hard to stop drinking it, and I could not make it, I was addicted. I already made it not so long ago. I can stop drinking Coke as normal as water. I do not drink it for over a month and every time I see Coke at supermarket, I do not have any feeling that makes want to buy it as I always had. I am so happy for myself.

This week I was bored with no reason. I rent two movies from Banana VCD & DVD Rental, One was DVD called “Mr. fix it” and another one was VCD called “Hannah Montana”. These two were not the movies that I wanted to rent because the one that I wanted to rent was out of store, which meant that I had to wait. The movies that I rent, one of them that I did not even finish watching it and another one that I played the movies while I was busy. I did not know why I let it be like that, the movies were not interesting or I was not in the mood that wanting to watch the movies. Sometime it just happens even though I am a person that always loves watching movies.

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