
Before Midterm Examination

Last weekend, I spent lots of money for shopping and all that money was the money that I had to spend this week. I knew that was very bad; I would be in the trouble if I still spent lots of money. At the beginning of this week, I got financial problem. I always get 1,800 baht per week as my food expenses and my pocket money. But 1,800 baht was not enough for this week; I had to tell my mother to send me more money. Those made me feel guilty. I would never want the situation like this again, so I would better to control my expense.

On Last Tuesday, I had quiz in psychology class. The quiz contained 17 questions that I had to fill in the missing words to complete the blanks, and one question contained more than one missing word, or even more, it was up to the concept. The teacher told us before the day of the quiz that the questions were taken from the concept review of the chapters that she taught. My Psychology teacher is a very nice teacher because she always gave us the review of every chapter, always made sure that the students understood, the concept, the idea, about what she had been teaching, and always be very kind. Those are why the students like her so much. I did my best on that quiz, it was not difficult at all if the students read, understand, and remember the concepts.

My family went to have lunch at Pan Pan Restaurant again, but this time we went to another branch. The foods were not delicious as another branch that I had last weekend. We ordered just a little but we paid 1,300 baht for those foods. The foods did not delicious as its price.

I went to the theatre with my mother and my brother to see the movie called “I Am Legend”. The movie was so scary and excellent than I expected at first. As you can see from my blog, you would know that I am so in love with watching movie in the theatre. I love going to the theatre and I also love eating popcorn there. I can gain lots of the knowledge and the experiences from the movies. For me, watching the movies is very useful, especially in the theatre; it would make things seem more of reality and more of capacity of memorization.

Midterm examination is coming. Now I have to study hard for Midterm examination because I want to do well on the tests as I can to gain a good score. I am having three subjects on Midterm examination. Those three subjects are Psychology, Enlish for law II, and Economics. Not all of my friends that are going to have Economics test because some of my friends did not register Economics for this semester. While I was typing this, I was thinking about the sentence from the movie, “Transformers”, said “No Sacrifice, No Victory”. And I totally agreed with that. So a good score would be as the victory, and study hard would be as the sacrifice.

I met new friends in Ethics class. And the next two days, I saw him again while I was talking to my friend, and he was walking pass through me. I knew what his name is, but I could not say it right away. This always happens in my everyday’s life. Sometime people just can not be able to recall or retrieve the information from the memories that they stored. But the picture of the movie still in my mind and help me to remember the sentence. As I learn from psychology, the situation when we can not be able to recall the information even though we truly know the information, but we can not say it right away, it is called “Tip-of-The-Tongue”.


The Golden Compass

On November 5th, my family went to visit Uncle Michale and then had dinner together at Pan Pan Restaurant. In the evening, we went to the theatre to see the movie called “The Golden Compass”. It was crowded. Many people were there, buying the movie’s ticket. I had to buy the gift card that cost me 1,000 baht to get in the shorter line to buy the movie’s ticket, and my mother wanted to buy the gift card anyway. I can use the gift card as the money to buy things only in the theatre until the next two and a half months. The gift card I bought gave me 1,050 baht, a free cup, and the coupons. And 50 baht, a free cup, and the coupons, were my benefit, that is the reason why my mother likes buying it. The movie was an action, an adventure, a drama, a family, a fantasy, and a thriller movie. I really enjoyed the movie. I cannot wait to see the next part.

The movie was about the world that people did not have their souls inside them like us but follow them as spirit animals called demon. If they got hurt, their demons would be hurt. And if they died, their demons would be dead as well. There were so many universes and many earths parallel each other. The world could connect to each other by dust. The world in the story once made many golden compasses called Alethiometer that can tell those which was hidden, the truth. The materials wanted to control everybody in the world, they did not want to have nonconformist people, so they destroyed the golden compasses, but one still left. Lyra was just a girl living among scholars in Oxford’s Jordan College, but she was the one who could read Alethiometer. As child’s demons, they could change into many kinds of animal, and they would be settling permanently one day. Lyra’s demon, Pantalaimon, did not settle yet. Pantalaimon changed into many kinds of animal such as cat, bird, and others. Lord Asriel had to take care of Lyra as her guardian. In the conference, he said about the dust which evolved the light that had found in the North. The dust went through the demon first, and then went through the old man who was the owner of the demon. Lord Asriel wanted to have the fund to do the research about the dust, to prove the other worlds really exist. Lyra was hiding in the closet, and she was so excited to know the truth about dust. The rector of Oxford’s Jordan College gave the last Alethiometer to Lyra before she left with Coulter because he knew from the witches that Lyra would be the important person for changing the world. First, Lyra really liked Coulter and Lyra hated Coulter when Coulter was too bossy and became Coulter’s enemy when Lyra knew Coulter was the head of the Globbers, who kidnapped the kids, including Lyra’s friend named Roger. Lyra went to Bowangka in the North to save those kids who were kidnapped for the experiment called the intercession, the separation between a person, and the demon of that person. Lyra got help from the armor bear named Uric, the Egyptians, and the witches for saving those kids.

Nicole Kidman is one of the actresses I really like. I think Nicole Kidman is talented, I can see from her performances in the movies such as “Moulin Rouge”, “The Others”, “The Hours”, “The Human Stain”, “Bewitched”, and others.


Prevent Our Skins

Although dry skin can affect us at any time of the year, it is usually worse during the colder months when humidity is low. As starting of the winter season, it was cold this week. As you know, Thailand would be cold just for a moment, short period of time, not cold as a whole time as the season. My skin is dry as many people. I found the information to take care of my skin in many easy ways.

First way to take care of my skin is not to take a shower with too hot water. Taking a shower in winter season should turn down the heat into lower level, not too hot because our skins would be drier in winter season more than other seasons. Second way is do not using soap too much. Because soap would make our skins become drier, we should use soap just in some important area such as arms, armpits, and others. Soap strips away our skin's natural oils, making it more likely to get itchy and flaky. The perfect soap to use during the winter should be soap that has pH around five because it would not make our skins too dry, should be a beauty bar or gentle cleanser. Third way is do not taking a bath so long. I should spend time not over 10 minutes for it. Forth way is using lotion every time after taking a bath for not getting itchy and flaky.

After I talked to my father last weekend, I realized that I should drink milk even though I really do not like. I used to drink milk when I was very young just like the other kids. I stopped drinking milk when I was around eight years old. Then I began to drink Coke as normal as water. I knew Coke is not good for my health, many times that I had been trying so hard to stop drinking it, and I could not make it, I was addicted. I already made it not so long ago. I can stop drinking Coke as normal as water. I do not drink it for over a month and every time I see Coke at supermarket, I do not have any feeling that makes want to buy it as I always had. I am so happy for myself.

This week I was bored with no reason. I rent two movies from Banana VCD & DVD Rental, One was DVD called “Mr. fix it” and another one was VCD called “Hannah Montana”. These two were not the movies that I wanted to rent because the one that I wanted to rent was out of store, which meant that I had to wait. The movies that I rent, one of them that I did not even finish watching it and another one that I played the movies while I was busy. I did not know why I let it be like that, the movies were not interesting or I was not in the mood that wanting to watch the movies. Sometime it just happens even though I am a person that always loves watching movies.