
I miss you, Cuba T^T

The mother of my dog, named Cuba, which belonged to Uncle Michael, died this week. We did not think this day would come so early. She was a Great Dane Dog. My family and my uncle Michael, we are all sad about this because we are as the same family even though he is not my real uncle by blood lineage, but I call him as my uncle since I was young. She died peacefully, and we miss her so much. I know that the new dog is coming because my uncle lives alone in the house, he only has a dog with him, as his friend, and he will be lonely if he does not have any dog.

I already got the quiz results for both subjects I took last week, Economics and English for law II. For the Economics quiz, I got nine scores- the total score was ten. I got A from the English for law II quiz. I really love studying Economics because I feel like I learn and understand the concepts very well, which made me confusing that maybe I should study specialize on Economics. The problems is here at Assumption University does not have Faculty of Economic, but has BBA Faculty.

I am so worried that I cannot read all the books I suppose to read to do well on the final examination, especially, the law subjects. There are so many books to read. I will do my best on the examination. I hope that I will pass all tests I am going to take. Law of Contract is the most difficult and scary one. I know that the questions, which will appear on the test, are going to be very tough. Anyway, I will do my best. Even though the outcome will be good or bad, but at least I try my best. I will not blame myself because at least I try.

On February 8th, I went to Suan Lum Nightbazaar with my friends. We were there to do the survey or the research about Suan Lum Nightbazaar before the Japanese students from ALSA organization come to Thailand. We have a plan for them to go to Suan Lum Nightbazaar as a tour. This was the first time I went there, Suan Lum Nightbazaar is a very big night market. The shops open around noon and close at midnight. I was so happy that I found that the pet zone there has the shop that sells the rabbit food less expensive than the Mall department sells. I will buy it here when I need more rabbit food. There are so many restaurants there, which made me do not know which one I will take the Japanese students, who are in my control, to have dinner. It is hard to choose. I think I should choose the less expensive one; it will be the best choice.

After we finished from Suan Lum Nightbazaar, we went to Siam Paragon. I could not believe I saw many and many people there. Many people were out there shopping for the gifts. I saw many chocolates selling as a Valentine’s gift. I hope my boyfriend will give me just one rose and one box of chocolate, those will be enough for me because he usually gives me nothing on Valentine’s Day. It was so hard to find a taxi to bring us back to the university; we took a long time, more than thirty minutes, to find a free taxi. Moreover, that one we found, the driver wanted us to give him more money, forty baht and the original price, if we wanted to take his service, how nice was that! We had no choice, so we had to pay him so expensive, and we did not like it at all.


So Tired >,<

On January 19th, I had quiz for English for Law II. It was not too hard if the student read and understood the story in the book. No matter how many score I would get, I did not mind about that because I had done my best for this quiz. I think the hard part was about asking who said the sentences. I could not remember all these things

On January 30th, I had quiz again with Economics. The total score for this quiz would be 10 % from 100%, the total score, which was pretty much part score for this part that the students should get to help to upgrade the total score. The quiz contained 5 questions. All questions were required to answer for the short answer or short essay, not any multiple-choice, and that was sad for all students. Especially, we could not write out of the line or make the lines become double lines; the teacher would not count those as a score.

I went to the ALSA camp at Srisuda Farm in Nakornrachasrima, on February 1st, 2007, I stayed there for three days, two nights. The reason they did this camp because they wanted to passed some of the committee duties to the others, such as changing the president. They taught us everything they know about working, how to work the processes efficiently, how to manage everything as well.

My friends and I were so exhausted when we were there because we worked hard all day and had very a few times to rest. On Saturday night, we slept at 4 A.M. I learnt a lot from this camp such as how to work as a group, how to make a best decision, others, so I gained lots of experience from this camp. Even though I was there and was so tired, but when I looked back to those experiences, they are worth it. I was happy to share many things with my friends. This came made me know more people, and became closer to my friends.

After back from the camp, I was too tired to do many things. I also got a headache, so I slept for a long time. My rabbit stayed with my boyfriend while I was not at the dormitory. He is very cute, and nice person. I am so happy to be with him. He tries to help me in everything as best as he can. I never thought I would meet someone like him, too good to be true, but I finally found since I was in Grade 10. I always make him cries but he never gets angry on me, not only once. He can be my best friend and my boy friend in the same time.

I have to hurry to do the assignment for Economics. It will be due on February 20, 2007. I have to search for the informations about the investment from 2006 to 2007. My group has only four people while many groups have five or six people in their groups. When we send the paper to the teacher, she will ask every one of us because she wants to make sure that students knew everything in their works, and to make sure that the students work as a group. Anyway, I will do my best.



Sometime I am so lazy, I sleep for a long time more than usual, I get up late, I do nothing meaningful. I have no reason for being lazy. Sometime I just feel weak, tired, and exhausted. I cannot be lazy right now because I am going to have two quizzes, first quiz is English for Law II, and another quiz is Economics. I have to be very prepared for the quizzes.

ALSA organization is going to have the delegates from Japan. Therefore, they want the volunteers to do the services as staffs. These staffs should have an interview at the first step. I had an interview for the selection of staffs at E building on last Thursday. There are so many duties to choose for, such as cooperative, caretaker, and others. I decided to sign for caretaker because it will be the best thing I can do.

The sophomores and the juniors interviewed me. They made me serious with their tough questions. They wanted me to introduce myself, my background, my personality. They asked me to explain what I think about Mr. Taksin Chinnawat, and how I am going to tell the foreigners from Japan about him.

I told them that when Mr.Taksin worked here as the prime minister, he actually brought many investments to Thailand, he contracted the United State for our exporting, and he had done well. Nevertheless, he could have done better if he knew what temperance means.

I understand that people are born with desires, and the desires are endless. Everything has two sides, the government while Mr.Taksin was a prime minister; they also made a mistake, the government failed. The government policy produced inefficient results, such as 30 baht for health care service, and others.

When people get something goods, they still want more and more, they cannot stop themselves. Even though they have everything in their hands, but they still want more and more. Why they do not look to someone else who lower than them, who lose their jobs, who do not have foods to eat, who suffer with the sickness, disease, and do not enough money to treat, who do not have any money to survive.

What I am going to tell the foreigners, I am going to stay in balance, not any side of it, because I want to be fair. They finally told me when we discussed everything for a while that actually they wanted me getting a high pressure.

On Sunday, I went to my uncle’s house; where the dogs are staying, one is belong to my family, and another dog, my dog’s mother, is belong to my uncle. The mother one- named Cuba, she is sick. She is hardly to walk. Sometime she cannot walk, she will groan with her pains. We are all worried and sad about it. I knew her since I was young. She is a very sweet dog as always and now she is going to die. We are all hopefully she will live longer as possible. Even though she is very sick, she still is positive. I know she is fighting with the illness to live longer.


Ernie with him, Brownie with me

My Sweet Ernie -^^-
My Little Ernie

My boyfriend wanted to take care one of my rabbits. Therefore, I decided to give him my Ernie. Actually, Ernie used to stay with him while I was out of town for celebrating the New Year 2008. The reason why I kept Brownie instead of Ernie, because I like black, it is Brownie’s color. However, Ernie’s color is very beautiful and barely to find, it is sable point color. I realized that I was not supposed to have Erna, in my room because she was Teddy Bear Breed, which is the long hair rabbit. It would be hard to take care of Erna because I live in the dormitory. Therefore, I sold her to someone else that like this kind of rabbit and be able to take care of her as good as well.

I and my boyfriend went to JJ Mall early in the morning today. JJ Mall is a very big market that sells lots of stuff. I went there to the part of JJ Market called JJ Plaza that sells lots of stuff for pets. I went there to buy the dry grasses, which were Pangola and Alfafa, and fresh grass. Now I give them the complete food of the brand called Buddy, but I want them to eat the new brand, the better one, called Beafar, which is imported from Netherlands. Beafar is very expensive one, but it contains the high value of the nutrition. It is not bad if I have just one rabbit to feed, but if I have many rabbits, I will not choose this one.

We came back from JJ Mall earlier than I thought. We went to the theatre to see the movie called Cloverfield. This time I watched the movie in the VIP class, 250 baht per a seat, because I had no choice to avoid this, no any other nice time to watch, we did not want to wait for that long, my boy friend was hurry to come back home. The movie was action, Sci-Fi, and Thriller. It was my first time, watching this kind of movie, recorded by the normal video recorder for the whole story. I think they wanted the movie to look real and wanted us to feel that we were in that situation same as them.

It was good at that point, but the movie ended so fast unexpectedly, just for an hour plus ten minutes. As I saw it, it was not good at the beginning and at the ending, as if everything changed rapidly with none sense. We did not know why it happens, and how it ends, do the main characters survive. The argument was that many people said that they wanted to throw up while watching this movie because the camera was not constant recording, just like when we record the video with our friends. For me, I felt like it was not worth for sitting in the VIP class because the movie was short and not that excellent film. After that, I went to Home Fresh Mart to buy things for cleaning my bathroom.


Happy New Year 2008

My family went to our summerhouse in Kanchanaburi on December 29th , 2007. We also brought our dogs, two Great Danes, the mother one-Cuba, and the daughter one-Coffee. We really love it there. The summerhouse is located near the river Kwae. It is the nice place for relaxation. As we go there, we can get the fresh air, the good view, and the spacious space that never have in city. We can feel the country, the nature, and others, which make the summerhouse so special.

We have an auto boat there. We usually drive it to find the place for lunch and spend time looking at the river. The first time that my father let me control the wheel of the auto boat, it was amazing and fun. It was not that tough as my first thought.

Some day we had lunch and dinner at the summerhouse that cooking by ourselves and some day we had lunch somewhere else outside. We walked on the grass to look at the good views, to get the fresh air, and had a simple breakfast in the morning. In the afternoon, we took a nap. We watched the movies after we had a dinner.

I brought the rabbits for myself in this New Year. I have three rabbits. The first and the second one are the same breeds of rabbit, called Mini Lop. I named them as Ernie-the girl, and Brownie-the boy. The breed of the last one called Teddy Bear. I named her as Erna.

My rabbits live in the cages. Ernie and Brownie are in the same cage. Erna is in another cage. When I am in the room, I let them out of the cages to do the exercise, running in the room at least once a day. I give them the rabbit food in the morning and the evening. I put the dry grass into the cage for them to eat all day. They love to eat the fresh natural grass and the dry grass. They love to stand with the two legs begging for foods and grass. I clean the cages once in two days.

As I told you before that I bought the rabbit from Tawanna Market and I gave her name as Maya. Actually, she was still a baby that the seller should not separate her from her mother. It would be risk for her life, she could be dead easily, just a little chance to survive. Many sellers sell the baby rabbits because they look cute when they are young, and it will be gone when they grow up.

Normally, the sellers use this strategy with Thai breed of rabbit. It is brutal. I did not know at first that she was a baby rabbit because the seller lies to me. I never had this kind of rabbit before, so the seller fooled me.

Before Maya, I used to have one rabbit; her breed is same as Ernie and brownie, called Mini Lop. Her name is Jaint. She was so strong, and very cute. I was not with her when she died because I was in Bangkok, and she was in Kanchanaburi, at my summerhouse. She died by falling from the second floor. As my guessed, she did not die after she fell down, but the dogs there ate her.

From the midterm test, my score came out good, especially, Economics examination, I got the highest score in my section, which was 33 points-the full score was 35 points. I knew my mistakes after I finished and turned back the test, which I should not have. For Psychology, I got 22.3 points-the full score was 25 points. The psychology quiz that I did before the midterm examination, I got a full point, which was 5 points. The last one is English for law II, I got 162.3-the full score was 200. I knew that I did English examination not so well. I did not have enough time to write, I just wrote as fast as I could to finish it. Even if it would turn out badly, but at least I finished writing it-that is what I thought. I have to practice myself to do the test faster because every time I did it so slow. My mother and my father never blamed me about the scores that I got because she knew that I had done my best as always. I love you mom & dad.


Before Midterm Examination

Last weekend, I spent lots of money for shopping and all that money was the money that I had to spend this week. I knew that was very bad; I would be in the trouble if I still spent lots of money. At the beginning of this week, I got financial problem. I always get 1,800 baht per week as my food expenses and my pocket money. But 1,800 baht was not enough for this week; I had to tell my mother to send me more money. Those made me feel guilty. I would never want the situation like this again, so I would better to control my expense.

On Last Tuesday, I had quiz in psychology class. The quiz contained 17 questions that I had to fill in the missing words to complete the blanks, and one question contained more than one missing word, or even more, it was up to the concept. The teacher told us before the day of the quiz that the questions were taken from the concept review of the chapters that she taught. My Psychology teacher is a very nice teacher because she always gave us the review of every chapter, always made sure that the students understood, the concept, the idea, about what she had been teaching, and always be very kind. Those are why the students like her so much. I did my best on that quiz, it was not difficult at all if the students read, understand, and remember the concepts.

My family went to have lunch at Pan Pan Restaurant again, but this time we went to another branch. The foods were not delicious as another branch that I had last weekend. We ordered just a little but we paid 1,300 baht for those foods. The foods did not delicious as its price.

I went to the theatre with my mother and my brother to see the movie called “I Am Legend”. The movie was so scary and excellent than I expected at first. As you can see from my blog, you would know that I am so in love with watching movie in the theatre. I love going to the theatre and I also love eating popcorn there. I can gain lots of the knowledge and the experiences from the movies. For me, watching the movies is very useful, especially in the theatre; it would make things seem more of reality and more of capacity of memorization.

Midterm examination is coming. Now I have to study hard for Midterm examination because I want to do well on the tests as I can to gain a good score. I am having three subjects on Midterm examination. Those three subjects are Psychology, Enlish for law II, and Economics. Not all of my friends that are going to have Economics test because some of my friends did not register Economics for this semester. While I was typing this, I was thinking about the sentence from the movie, “Transformers”, said “No Sacrifice, No Victory”. And I totally agreed with that. So a good score would be as the victory, and study hard would be as the sacrifice.

I met new friends in Ethics class. And the next two days, I saw him again while I was talking to my friend, and he was walking pass through me. I knew what his name is, but I could not say it right away. This always happens in my everyday’s life. Sometime people just can not be able to recall or retrieve the information from the memories that they stored. But the picture of the movie still in my mind and help me to remember the sentence. As I learn from psychology, the situation when we can not be able to recall the information even though we truly know the information, but we can not say it right away, it is called “Tip-of-The-Tongue”.


The Golden Compass

On November 5th, my family went to visit Uncle Michale and then had dinner together at Pan Pan Restaurant. In the evening, we went to the theatre to see the movie called “The Golden Compass”. It was crowded. Many people were there, buying the movie’s ticket. I had to buy the gift card that cost me 1,000 baht to get in the shorter line to buy the movie’s ticket, and my mother wanted to buy the gift card anyway. I can use the gift card as the money to buy things only in the theatre until the next two and a half months. The gift card I bought gave me 1,050 baht, a free cup, and the coupons. And 50 baht, a free cup, and the coupons, were my benefit, that is the reason why my mother likes buying it. The movie was an action, an adventure, a drama, a family, a fantasy, and a thriller movie. I really enjoyed the movie. I cannot wait to see the next part.

The movie was about the world that people did not have their souls inside them like us but follow them as spirit animals called demon. If they got hurt, their demons would be hurt. And if they died, their demons would be dead as well. There were so many universes and many earths parallel each other. The world could connect to each other by dust. The world in the story once made many golden compasses called Alethiometer that can tell those which was hidden, the truth. The materials wanted to control everybody in the world, they did not want to have nonconformist people, so they destroyed the golden compasses, but one still left. Lyra was just a girl living among scholars in Oxford’s Jordan College, but she was the one who could read Alethiometer. As child’s demons, they could change into many kinds of animal, and they would be settling permanently one day. Lyra’s demon, Pantalaimon, did not settle yet. Pantalaimon changed into many kinds of animal such as cat, bird, and others. Lord Asriel had to take care of Lyra as her guardian. In the conference, he said about the dust which evolved the light that had found in the North. The dust went through the demon first, and then went through the old man who was the owner of the demon. Lord Asriel wanted to have the fund to do the research about the dust, to prove the other worlds really exist. Lyra was hiding in the closet, and she was so excited to know the truth about dust. The rector of Oxford’s Jordan College gave the last Alethiometer to Lyra before she left with Coulter because he knew from the witches that Lyra would be the important person for changing the world. First, Lyra really liked Coulter and Lyra hated Coulter when Coulter was too bossy and became Coulter’s enemy when Lyra knew Coulter was the head of the Globbers, who kidnapped the kids, including Lyra’s friend named Roger. Lyra went to Bowangka in the North to save those kids who were kidnapped for the experiment called the intercession, the separation between a person, and the demon of that person. Lyra got help from the armor bear named Uric, the Egyptians, and the witches for saving those kids.

Nicole Kidman is one of the actresses I really like. I think Nicole Kidman is talented, I can see from her performances in the movies such as “Moulin Rouge”, “The Others”, “The Hours”, “The Human Stain”, “Bewitched”, and others.