
I miss you, Cuba T^T

The mother of my dog, named Cuba, which belonged to Uncle Michael, died this week. We did not think this day would come so early. She was a Great Dane Dog. My family and my uncle Michael, we are all sad about this because we are as the same family even though he is not my real uncle by blood lineage, but I call him as my uncle since I was young. She died peacefully, and we miss her so much. I know that the new dog is coming because my uncle lives alone in the house, he only has a dog with him, as his friend, and he will be lonely if he does not have any dog.

I already got the quiz results for both subjects I took last week, Economics and English for law II. For the Economics quiz, I got nine scores- the total score was ten. I got A from the English for law II quiz. I really love studying Economics because I feel like I learn and understand the concepts very well, which made me confusing that maybe I should study specialize on Economics. The problems is here at Assumption University does not have Faculty of Economic, but has BBA Faculty.

I am so worried that I cannot read all the books I suppose to read to do well on the final examination, especially, the law subjects. There are so many books to read. I will do my best on the examination. I hope that I will pass all tests I am going to take. Law of Contract is the most difficult and scary one. I know that the questions, which will appear on the test, are going to be very tough. Anyway, I will do my best. Even though the outcome will be good or bad, but at least I try my best. I will not blame myself because at least I try.

On February 8th, I went to Suan Lum Nightbazaar with my friends. We were there to do the survey or the research about Suan Lum Nightbazaar before the Japanese students from ALSA organization come to Thailand. We have a plan for them to go to Suan Lum Nightbazaar as a tour. This was the first time I went there, Suan Lum Nightbazaar is a very big night market. The shops open around noon and close at midnight. I was so happy that I found that the pet zone there has the shop that sells the rabbit food less expensive than the Mall department sells. I will buy it here when I need more rabbit food. There are so many restaurants there, which made me do not know which one I will take the Japanese students, who are in my control, to have dinner. It is hard to choose. I think I should choose the less expensive one; it will be the best choice.

After we finished from Suan Lum Nightbazaar, we went to Siam Paragon. I could not believe I saw many and many people there. Many people were out there shopping for the gifts. I saw many chocolates selling as a Valentine’s gift. I hope my boyfriend will give me just one rose and one box of chocolate, those will be enough for me because he usually gives me nothing on Valentine’s Day. It was so hard to find a taxi to bring us back to the university; we took a long time, more than thirty minutes, to find a free taxi. Moreover, that one we found, the driver wanted us to give him more money, forty baht and the original price, if we wanted to take his service, how nice was that! We had no choice, so we had to pay him so expensive, and we did not like it at all.


phanphatchara said...

i miss her too.

Panlert881 said...

i also have a pet so i understand your feeling na. TC